To break my cycle of not writing blogs, I'm going to flex my fingers, take a deep breath, and do a month long series about life. I love to collect funny and thought-provoking quotes from folks, and I thought I'd share some of them with you along with a few observations of my own.
So, here is the first thought by "author unknown".
"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake."
Laughter is a huge part of life. If I'm feeling down or cranky, I call up one of my friends and we go out to lunch and laugh our heads off about something. There's always something is this crazy world to make us laugh. Have you seen those E-Trade commercials with the little baby at the computer? If you have, you're laughing at this moment, aren't you?
So, be sure and have a good laugh today!
Hm...perhaps tomorrow I'll write something about chocolate cake.
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