Sunday, January 29, 2012

Two Extremes

There are two extremes of rule, on one side of the scale is tyranny, and on the other side, anarchy. Tyranny is when a ruler rules absolutely, and anarchy is where there is no rule.

Most people are more comfortable with a set of rules somewhere in the middle; a place where people rule with checks and balances. Enough government to protect, but not oppress.

Where would one find the most freedom?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ground work

People want the same things: freedom, prosperity, and peace.

My husband and I traveled through China several years ago, and out side a small village near the Yangtze River was a Buddhist shrine called, The City of Ghosts. It is 800 years old and filled with amazing statuary of ghosts and demons. To cross into the city we had to walk over one of three bridges: the bridge of a long and healthy life, the bridge of wealth, or the bridge of peace. If you could cross the bridge in three long strides the gods would grant your wish.

The point being is that these have been longings of the human heart in all times, with all people, in all places.

If we can start with this premise, then we can build a structure to analyze government in its relationship with these desires, without falling into the trap of political parties, or narrow thinking. Hopefully we can have a dialogue.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Political Starting Point

Political conversations often end up in who's right, not what's right.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The USA in 2012

It's a new year and an election year, and although I find myself excited about the opportunity of new chances, I'm also discouraged by the battle ahead to take back the wheel of the Presidency, and steer our country in a different direction. The present President was elected on the unidentified premise of "change" with no one but his insiders really understanding what that meant.
I would ask friends and family who were supporting Obama to explain his platform and what he stood for, and they would parrot back, "Change!"
"Well, what does that mean?" I'd ask them.
"Change!" they'd insist.
"Yes, but what does that mean? Change to what...from what?"
"Change from the terrible old ways!"
"Can you be more specific? What of the old ways don't you like, and what does this presidential candidate plan to put in its place?"
Most would look at me blankly. They didn't have a clue because the plans were never clearly outlined. If Obama had come out during the campaign and stated that once in office he would bail out failing banks and companies, increase the size and scope of government, cram a universal health care plan down our throats, plunge us into inexcusable debt, and put hundreds of thousands of people out of work, I doubt that he would have been elected.
But, sadly his nebulous campaign rhetoric worked on the numbers needed to place him in the highest job in the land where, within a short time, his unconstitutional vision of America sprouted. He is attempting to fundamentally change this country from a free enterprise system of production and a Representative form of government to a more Socialistic model. This is not conjecture as he has stated on several occasions that he would rather do without Congress, and has proven this by doing end runs around them with Executive Orders, thereby thumbing his nose at the idea of checks and balances so fundamental to our Republic.
During the next few months I will be setting out some basic ideas about the Constitution of the United States, and how, over-the-years, we've lost much of its original intent. I will also share my feelings about the miracle and majesty of this country.
I hope you'll join me in a discussion of these important principles.