The world is made up of nice people. Oh, I know, the nay sayers will insist that there are bad, weird, and crummy people populating the planet too, and I would have to concede, but it has been my experience that the nice far outnumber the negative. I will give you an example.
I just returned home from a trip to Texas where I was privileged to be the key-note speaker for a meals-on-wheels fundraiser. I had never been to Texas nor had I met the people organizing the event. I'd surmised them to be people of heart because they were working to care for the seniors in their area, providing great services, one of which was the meals-on-wheels program.
Getting off the plane, I looked about for the two women who were to meet me, and was greeted by two smiling faces. Within the first few minutes of introductions I felt a calmness and connection. As we drove to the hotel we chatted amiably about this and that, finding common ground in family, faith, and service.
Later that evening I was blessed to meet more good people of substance as I went to a delightful dinner with members of the CSS (Community Senior Services) board. These were people who had decided that doing service was a good way to spend one's time. And, I knew that this altruism was repeated hundreds of thousands of time across the nation and the world.
Good people.
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